The Basics Of WFH

While most of us are set up to work remotely and some of us do so regularly, having to do so by order of the government is a new thing for all of us. Here are The Basics of WFH.

Have a separate space dedicated to work. 

Designating an entire room for a home office is likely a luxury for most of us in Silicon Valley, but a dedicated space will do. Whether it’s a spot on the kitchen table or — like me — a corner in your bedroom, keep this space exclusively for  work. This helps you focus. Here’s the tiny dedicated corner in my bedroom from which I’m blogging.

Maintain routines.

We are in uncharted waters and routines help instill some sense of normalcy. Wake up at the same time as you would if you were going to our physical office. Have your coffee and toast or whatever it is you do in the morning to mark the start of your day.

Dress for work. 

Perhaps you don’t have to dress as you would when you’re reporting to our physical office, but if you’re like me and your workspace is in your bedroom, a change in outfit helps my brain compartmentalize work from all the other things I do in the same room.

Dress for the camera! 

To dress — put clothes on — is listed twice because it’s important. We have the technology for video meetings. Please dress appropriately for the camera. Pants, too, please. 🙂

When in doubt, use your voice.

Tones and emotions do not translate well over email or chat and can be misunderstood. If you’re ever in doubt about how a piece of communication might be received, have a  conversation.

It is not lost on us how fortunate we are that we are in a business where we can continue to operate and support our clients despite everything that is going on. With the technologies we have in place, we might even find new ways to be even more productive.

Lisa Amorao is the Marketing Manager at netPolarity.